Coalition For Women in Journalism

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Turkey: The Trial Against Journalist Ceren Sözeri Was Adjourned, CFWIJ Keeps A Close Eye On Legal Persecution Of Journalists In The Country

Location: Turkey, Istanbul
Date: February 3, 2021
Available in: 🇹🇷  Türkçe


The third hearing of the trial against Evrensel columnist Ceren Sözeri because of her news story titled “Who made AKP lose votes?” was held today. The trial was adjourned to July 14, 2021.

Serhat Albayrak, executive of pro-government Turkuaz Media Group, made a complaint against journalist Ceren Sözeri with charges of defamation. Ceren Sözeri and Evrensel Newspaper are facing a monetary fine of up to 200.000 Turkish Liras as compensation over Sözeri’s article titled “Who made AKP lose votes?”. The article was published on April 7, 2020, right after the Turkish local elections on March 31, 2020.

The second hearing was held on October 7, 2020. It was adjourned to today due to the judge being on leave. The court noted that Cemal Dursun, the executive of Evrensel newspaper who was also a defendant in the case, passed away.

The third hearing of the trial was held today. The court ruled to add heirs of recently deceased Evrensel newspaper proprietor to the case and notify them by sending a formal invite including petitions of both parties.

In the following news story, Ceren Sözeri criticised Anadolu Agency because of not updating the results of local elections on March 31 and stated:

“Political parties warned not to trust the agency's data just before all of the ballot boxes were opened, but since the media organizations did not have any other data, they continued to broadcast on the Anadolu Agency’s data. After the agency stopped data entry, everyone was tied hand and foot.”

CFWIJ condemns legal harassment of women journalists in Turkey. Practicing journalism is not a crime. We urge authorities to take action for an independent and safer environment for journalists.


The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world, and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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The Coalition For Women In Journalism closely monitors the incidents in Turkey with great concern. Since March 8, Women's Day, police violence against women journalists increasingly continues in the country. As the coalition, we urge the Turkish state to provide a free environment for journalists. Following the news is our most fundamental democratic right to report. We demand the immediate release of our detained colleagues. Journalism is not a crime. Journalism cannot be prevented.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.