Coalition For Women in Journalism

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Turkey: CFWIJ Condemns Accreditation Barrier Against Journalists

Location: Turkey, Mugla
Date: August 6, 2021
Available in: 🇹🇷  Türkçe

Journalists Dilek Gül and Gülşah İnce, who were covering wildfires in Turkey, faced an accreditation barrier by the security forces. The decision came out from the higher authorities as the reason given for the journalists. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) condemns this attempt to silence the press. Journalists should be able to do their job under any conditions without discrimination.

Euronews Turkish Service reporter Dilek Gül’s and Fox News reporter Gülşah İnce were denied access to areas impacted by the wildfire as they tried to cover the tragedy. The decision came out from higher authorities, according to security forces. Today is the tenth day of the catastrophe of wildfires across the southern and Aegean regions of Turkey.

Euronews reporter Dilek Gül went to the area that was impacted by the wildfire, however, she and her team’s access was denied by the forces. When she arrived at the Bozbulan Village of Milas district of Muğla, she was not allowed to enter there. Speaking to the CFWIJ, Dilek stated that Euronews was not allowed into the area, citing the ban on the governor's Office. Hence, the right to report on many media outlets, as well as Euronews, was barred for the same reason.

“It is frankly frustrating that journalists working in such a challenging field and under difficult conditions are not treated equally. We write and talk about press freedom a lot, but if we talk about what happened today, first we need to discuss who and whose press is taken to the banned areas.” she told the CFWIJ. Dilek underlined that she wants to work equally with other colleagues and added that an opposite approach is "exhausting and difficult".

Fox News reporter Gülşah İnce, on the other hand, told in a live broadcast that her accreditation was revoked while following the ministers who will make a statement at the damaged Kemerköy Thermal Power Station. The journalist said she has been following the wildfires since the beginning and this is the first time she faced such mistreatment.

"Today, our accreditation was revoked which was difficult to understand. There was a list given to the security forces, not just Fox News. For those whose names are not on that list were not allowed in,” she said on TV. The Fox News reporter outlined that when the gendarme saw the Fox logo on the car, she and her team were not allowed into the area.

In Turkey, the wildfire disaster has been going on for ten days in Muğla, Marmaris, Antalya and its surroundings. Although the fire was brought under control in some places, some areas are still burning. The government has been criticized for not being able to control the fires on many issues regarding the decisions they make since the beginning of the disaster. Two days ago, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) threatened the media executives by saying "do not show the ongoing wildfires on the screen" over a special line.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism stands in solidarity with the journalists who do their jobs under difficult conditions. We condemn the accreditation decision made by the high authorities to silence journalists. Journalists should continue to do their jobs without any discrimination. We demand the Turkish authorities ensure the safety of journalists working in harsh conditions, instead of barring them. The free press cannot be silenced.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism closely monitors the incidents in Turkey with great concern. Since March 8, Women's Day, police violence against women journalists increasingly continues in the country. As the coalition, we urge the Turkish state to provide a free environment for journalists. Following the news is our most fundamental democratic right to report. We demand the immediate release of our detained colleagues. Journalism is not a crime. Journalism cannot be prevented.

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