Coalition For Women in Journalism

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Serbia: Security Violently Expel Verica Mariničić From Municipal Building

Women Press Freedom denounces the forcible removal of a journalist reporting on a community issue

Location: Serbia, Inđija

Date: March 4, 2024

Women Press Freedom is alarmed by the violent expulsion of journalist Verica Mariničić from the Inđija municipality building, preventing her from covering a meeting on local protests against the closure of a railway station. Mariničić was covering a story of great interest to the community, ejecting her from the meeting in such a way is harmful, both to the journalist and to those in the community who wish to be informed of the actions of their local government. We demand accountability from the municipality of Inđija over the mistreatment of the reporter and their immediate and unequivocal condemnation of the attack against Mariničić.

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On March 4, 2024, security officers forcibly removed IN Media reporter Verica Mariničić from the Indjija municipal building. The journalist was attempting to report on a meeting on protests of locals over the closing of a railway station in the village of Cortanovci. These protests demanded the reinstatement of the railway station in their locality.

Videos of the incident show a security officer blocking and shoving Mariničić as she tries to enter the meeting. The officer who threw out the reporter claimed she was being removed as her name was "not on the list." 

Mariničić has reported the incident to the police and local journalist associations.

The harassment of Mariničić is just the latest in a series of attacks targeting the reporter. Since 2018, she has faced various forms of aggression, including threats, stalking, online harassment, and verbal abuse for her reporting on independent news site IN Media.

“This unadulterated gesture of violence in front of the cameras clearly has the support of the very top of the municipality of Inđija,” states the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM). “Which proves that it is no coincidence that the journalist Verica Marinčić has been facing problems stemming from threats to her elementary security for years." 

The expulsion of Verica Mariničić from the municipality building highlights a concerning disregard for press freedom and transparency. The fact that the reporter has faced repeated attacks for her work for an independent news outlet raises concerns that those in the local government are singling her out. Sadly, independent journalists in Serbia are frequently subjected to threats and harassment. The state controls much of the mainstream media, and the press that reports critically on the government and its institutions are often attacked by smear campaigns, relentless online harassment, subjected to insult, and attempts to undermine their work and credibility. 

Security officer removes reporter Verica Mariničić from Inđija municipality building, March 4, 2024

Women Press Freedom denounces the expulsion of Verica Mariničić by security personnel of the Indija municipality. Journalists’ work ensures accountability and transparency through reporting on events and issues in the public interest. By preventing Mariničić from attending and reporting on a meeting relevant to community concerns, the municipality's security has hindered the public's right to access information and stifled journalistic inquiry. We also voice concerns over the repeated harassment of Mariničić for her work for IN Media. We demand answers from Indija municipal authorities about why she was removed and a sincere condemnation of the way she was manhandled and obstructed by security.

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Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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