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Kosovo: Opposition Leader Dimal Basha Criticizes Media Lawyer and Activist Flutura Kusari

Basha accuses ECPMF's media lawyer Flutura Kusari of meddling in parliamentary decisions by making allegations about funding and media control

Location: Kosovo, Pristina
Date: June 26, 2024

Women Press Freedom stands in solidarity with Flutura Kusari, legal counsel for the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), following accusations made by Kosovo's Vetevendosje Opposition Leader, Dimal Basha. Basha's allegations targeted Kusari, suggesting her role in influencing legislative processes. We unequivocally condemn Basha's allegations, particularly those pertaining to financial influences and media manipulation, underscoring profound concerns regarding press freedom and the diverse media landscape in Kosovo. We urge Basha to issue a public apology and refrain from undermining press freedom within the country. 

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During a speech delivered to the Kosovo Parliament on June 26, 2024, Vetevendosje Member of Parliament Dimal Basha targeted media organizations and civil society representatives, with a notable focus on Flutura Kusari, a legal advisor and activist with ECPMF.

Basha's statements, which encompassed allegations related to financial influences and media manipulation, have elicited apprehensions regarding press freedom and the multifaceted media environment in Kosovo. 

"We have Flutura Kusari who goes out publicly and wants to dictate an entire Parliament on how to do the IMC [Independent Media Commission] law when she in the name of media freedom supports Devollis in the street," Basha declared. "In the name of media freedoms, you cannot protect the freedoms of oligarchs, and you can’t extort the Republic," said Basha.

As per Law no. 04/L-44, the IMC is responsible for granting licenses to both public and private broadcasters, setting and enforcing policies, and overseeing the rights, duties, and roles of individuals and entities involved in providing audio and audiovisual media services.

"This Government is the only one to have stopped the flow of money towards the media, and no cent goes to them," Basha continued.

The MP's targeting of Flutura Kusari, alleging her involvement in influencing parliamentary decisions, has been met with strong opposition. 

Such attacks on Kusari, both unacceptable and dangerous, spark concerns with Women Press Freedom about the safety of critical voices within civil society. Kusari and other members of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) expressed reservations about the proposed IMC law. Women Press Freedom joins International bodies, including the Council of Europe, who have echoed these concerns, urging the Kosovo Assembly to reconsider the law due to its failure to meet European standards. The EU Office in Kosovo, along with the German and Italian embassies, have called for alignment with best practices before adoption.

Women Press Freedom fervently stands with Flutura Kusari and firmly denounces the deliberate attacks against her. We express strong disapproval of Basha's rhetoric, which mirrors a concerning pattern within Vetevendosje's approaches and behaviors, posing a significant risk to media freedoms, freedom of expression, and media diversity in Kosovo. We call upon Basha to issue a public apology and to cease any actions that undermine press freedom in the nation.

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Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

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