Coalition For Women in Journalism

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India: Thulasi Chandu Fears For Her Life Amidst Persistent Online Threats

CFWIJ outraged by relentless misogyny and graphic rape and murder threats hurled at the journalist, demands immediate intervention by authorities

Location: India, Hyderabad
Date: June 30, 2023
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Telugu journalist Thulasi Chandu is grappling with incessant online abuse and death threats, prompting grave concerns for her safety. Her unwavering commitment to impactful journalism has made her a prime target of right-wing entities for over three years already. The gravity of the threats has escalated to an alarming level, leaving her with an abiding conviction that her life is in imminent danger. The Coalition For Women In Journalism denounces the ongoing abuse of Thulasi Chandu. We urge the Indian government to thoroughly investigate the online harassment, identify the perpetrators, and hold them accountable under relevant laws.

“One day I will fall, be killed. Let it be, but by then at least allow me to record my agony and isolated voice,” independent journalist Thulasi Chandu wrote on Facebook, detailing how she has been subjected to an overwhelming amount of hatred and abuse for advocating against “communal animosity” — an excessive attachment to one's religion — which has detrimental impacts on the younger generations. 

In a conversation with The Wire, Chandu expressed that in her 15-year career as a journalist, she has never experienced such a strong sense of fear. She worries for the safety of her young children, aged 5 and 12, and her elderly mother. 

She added, "Rather than criticizing my video, they are launching direct personal attacks against me."

The journalist's ordeal started in 2020 when she launched her independent YouTube channel. She embarked on this new venture due to the professional limitations imposed by the shrinking Telugu media landscape and the absence of critical voices within the Telugu virtual space.

Almost immediately after the release of her video titled "Coming of Communalism," addressing the communal undertones observed during the Greater Hyderabad Municipal election almost immediately, Hindu right-wing trolls directed their fury towards her, launching a campaign of derogatory labels, including "anti-Hindu," "commie," "leftist," and "prostitute."

The relentless attacks and defamatory characterizations aimed to discredit and tarnish her reputation. It soon transformed into intense hate, misogyny, graphic rape and murder threats.

In January 2022, Chandu filed a complaint with the cybercrime division of the Hyderabad city police. Still, no action has been taken against the perpetrators behind the malicious campaign, which included manipulating her images. Interestingly, even the intervention of K Tarakarama Rao, the son of Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, the IT minister and a top leader of Bharat Rashtra Samithi, failed to spur any action. 

The News Minute (TNM) conducted an independent verification and confirmed the existence of comments on YouTube targeting Thulasi with explicit threats of violence, including suggestions of killing her or subjecting her to heinous acts such as becoming an "ISIS sex slave." These comments form part of a disturbing and derogatory smear campaign characterized by extreme violence, sexism, and misogyny. 

According to Dileep Konatham, the Telangana government's digital media director, the government is actively pursuing the case and ensuring that the culprits are held accountable by the police. However, women journalists in Hyderabad have expressed concerns that fear-mongering and the normalization of a vile and vicious atmosphere have become prevalent in Telugu and virtual spaces. They attribute this trend to the BJP's return to power in the central government in 2019 and its successful attempts to make inroads into Telangana.

Cyberbullying Plaguing Women Journalists in India

CFWIJ documented how members of Modi's party launched an online attack against Sabrina Siddiqui, a White House correspondent for the Wall Street Journal on June 24. During India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent visit to the United States, Siddiqui raised concerns several human rights organizations voiced regarding discrimination against minority groups in India. A swarm of trolls subsequently harassed Siddiqui.

The nature of this campaign also bears resemblance to one of the case studies documented by CFWIJ, which attributed the support and activities of these trolls to the Hindu nationalist BJP in the case of journalist Rana Ayyub.

On February 11, 2021, CFWIJ reported on the case of a YouTube channel that uploaded a video containing threats and hateful content, calling for the execution of several prominent journalists in India. The video accused these journalists, who had been critical of government policies, of having ulterior motives and financial incentives. Notably, the claims made in the video were unsubstantiated. However, it gained endorsement from various right-wing politicians, further amplifying its reach and impact.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism stands firmly in solidarity with Thulasi Chandu and vehemently condemns the utilization of inflammatory and unfounded accusations, which are not only distressing but also deeply concerning. The deliberate attempt to undermine and intimidate her is troubling and indicative of the obstacles journalists face who dare to present alternative viewpoints or question prevailing narratives. We reinforce the urgent need to safeguard freedom of expression and protect journalists from targeted attacks, ensuring that diverse voices continue contributing to a healthy and vibrant public discourse. We call on the Indian government to strengthen legal provisions: and evaluate existing laws and regulations related to cyberbullying, harassment, and threats. If necessary, introduce or amend legislation to strengthen journalists' legal protection and deter online harassment.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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