Coalition For Women in Journalism

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India: Journalist Megha Verbally Attacked In Kerala By Workers Of A Political Party

Location: India, Kerala
Date: November 15, 2021

Megha, a correspondent for Kairali TV, was verbally abused by workers of the Indian National Congress, a political party that leads the opposition in the state. According to a journalist, the attackers tried to snatch her mobile phone while dragging another photojournalist inside the hall of a meeting they were reporting on before beating him up. The scuffle between the reporters and the political party’s workers was reported on Saturday, November 13 in Kozhikode, Kerala. The violent attack by the party workers left photographer Sajan V Nambiar injured. A case has been registered against members of the Congress allegedly involved in the assault. The Coalition For Women In Journalism stands in solidarity with Megha and other journalists attacked while on a reporting assignment. We demand immediate action against all perpetrators of the attack.

The correspondents, associated with different media outlets, had gathered at a local hotel to cover an alleged secret meeting organized by a rebel faction of the Congress party. The meeting called by the former president of Kozhikode District Congress Committee, U Rajeevan, was attended by several workers. Reporters covering the closed-door meeting shared that the party workers attacked them without any provocation. 

Megha was present at the event to cover it when she faced the wrath of political party workers. The violent attack began when journalists reached the hall where the group had gathered for a secret meeting. Following the attack, photojournalist Sajan V Nambiar was severely hurt and shifted to a hospital. 

The Kerala Union of Working Journalists protested against the attack and filed a police complaint against Congress leaders under Sections 322, 327, 143, and 147 of the Indian Penal Code. 

The Coalition For Women In Journalism stands in solidarity with Megha and the other journalists attacked. We urge the police to take immediate action against the perpetrators and ensure justice. Political parties must take measures to eliminate hostility against journalists by their members and curb such threats to the freedom of the press. 

The CFWIJ strongly condemns the police brutality against journalists. We demand the immediate return of the press cards seized from the security forces. Policies to intimidate journalists should be abandoned, and journalism should be practiced under the criteria of freedom of the press.

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