Coalition For Women in Journalism

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Germany: Attacks on Journalists Covering Far-Right Party Conference

Ann-Katrin Müller denied accreditation to political event, Mariam Lau and colleagues harassed by those protesting

Location: Germany, Essen
Date: June 29, 2024

Amidst large-scale protests against the far-right party the Alternative for Germany (AfD), violent confrontations erupted, putting journalists at risk. Journalist Mariam Lau and her colleagues were harassed and attacked by demonstrators. These press violations were compounded by the denial of accreditation to journalist Ann-Katrin Müller by AfD leadership, indicating a deliberate effort to censor dissenting voices covering the party conference. Women Press Freedom condemns these attacks and calls on AfD to ensure access to all journalists. Those in power must respect the role of the media in a democratic society. Journalists should be free to operate without fear of violence or censorship.

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On June 29, 2024, several journalists faced aggressive behavior from demonstrators while covering the Alternative for Germany (AfD) federal party conference in Essen. The harassment occurred during large-scale demonstrations against the far-right party's convention, which saw violent clashes erupt between protestors and police.

Mariam Lau, a political journalist for Die Zeit, and three colleagues from Deutschlandfunk were attacked. When one journalist in their group did not immediately confirm their press credentials, they were intimidated and verbally abused by a group of five protestors.

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Adding to the tension surrounding the AfD's conference was the denial of accreditation to Ann-Katrin Müller, a journalist for DER SPIEGEL, to a background event the evening before the conference. Days before, Müller published an article about the AfD leader Tino Chrupallas’ chances at the party convention.

According to Müller, the denial of her accreditation came directly from Chrupalla, explicitly due to her critical reporting.

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The AfD, a right-wing to far-right political entity, has been a controversial force in German politics since its foundation in 2013. Originally established as a Eurosceptic party, the AfD has shifted its focus to anti-immigration, anti-Islam, and nationalist rhetoric. The party has a history of hostility toward the press and mainstream media outlets. It has frequently framed the media as an enemy to the party and its voters. The AfD’s influence is growing, as evident in the recent European Parliament elections, where it secured 15.9% of the vote, finishing second overall.

These press violations highlight a troubling pattern of hostility and censorship against journalists by both political entities and demonstrators.  Women Press Freedom strongly condemns these attacks and the press access denial, which threatens press freedom and journalist safety. We denounce the AfD leadership for weaponizing access to an event to impede the reporting of a critical journalist. The party must allow access to all journalists and publicly commit to respecting and upholding press freedom.

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Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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