Coalition For Women in Journalism

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France: Verônica Dalcanal Sexually Harassed During Live Olympics Broadcast

Women Press Freedom condemns, demands respect for women journalists covering sports events

Location: France, Paris

Date: August 3, 2024

The sexual harassment of Brazilian reporter Verônica Dalcanal during her live broadcast at the Paris Olympics shows the ongoing challenges faced by women journalists, even in high-profile settings. Spectators invading her space and attempting to kiss her while she tries to report is not only a gross violation of her personal dignity but also threatens press freedom by creating an environment of intimidation for women reporters. Women Press Freedom condemns this reprehensible act and calls for immediate action against the perpetrators. Authorities must ensure that those responsible are held accountable, setting a clear precedent that harassment will not be tolerated. We stand with Dalcanal and all women journalists, demanding respect and safety in their professional roles. The global community must rally to protect the rights of women in media, ensuring they can report freely without fear of harassment.

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"I find it revolting that women journalists still face such situations while on the job. It saddens me that this coverage will be tainted by this episode," recounted reporter Verônica Dalcanal of the harassment she faced while reporting live from the Olympic Village in Paris.

On August 3, 2024, Dalcanal was approached by three unknown men while broadcasting live for Empresa Brasil de Comunicação’s (EBC). Two of the men proceeded to kiss her without consent. Dalcanal promptly rebuffed their advances, but was left greatly affected by the harassment. 

"Covering the Olympic Games in Paris was a professional dream come true. I had hoped to remember this experience for the interviews, articles, and the excitement of following our athletes. Unfortunately, that will not be the case." 

Cidinha Matos, EBC's journalism director, voiced regret on behalf of the organization's Board of Directors, denouncing the incident as an affront to journalistic integrity, women's rights, and the Olympic spirit, "Our solidarity and backing from EBC and all our colleagues are with Verônica and her dedication to covering the 2024 Olympics."

In a statement, the Secretariat of Social Communication of the Brazilian Presidency also expressed solidarity with Dalcanal, condemning the continued victimization of women journalists. 

Rosângela Lula da Silva, Brazil's First Lady, conveyed her support for Dalcanal via social media, sending a "solidarity hug" and advocating for a safe environment for all women, both within and outside their workplaces.

Dalcanal thanked her colleagues for their support and highlighted the achievements of women in the Olympics, such as the equal representation of men and women athletes in the 2024 Games. She added, “Unfortunately, we still have to fight to be treated with respect. But we are not alone in this fight..."

Regrettably, Dalcanal's encounter is not an isolated occurrence. Women Press Freedom has recorded numerous instances of sexual harassment targeting women journalists, with some incidents taking place during live broadcasts. Often, the perpetrators escape consequences for their actions. This breach of human rights undermines the vital role of women journalists in reporting on significant events. 

Women Press Freedom reaffirms its solidarity with Verônica Dalcanal. We strongly denounce the unwelcome advances she faced. Sexual harassment is a grave offense that can leave victims emotionally traumatized and must not be overlooked. Women journalists should be able to carry out their work without fearing for their safety. We urge authorities to swiftly identify, apprehend, and ensure accountability for those responsible for their unacceptable actions towards Dalcanal.

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Women Press Freedom is an initiative by The Coalition For Women In Journalism

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

If you have been harassed or abused in any way, and please report the incident by using the following form.