Coalition For Women in Journalism

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Belarus: Imprisoned Journalist Katsyaryna Andreyeva Hit With Treason Charges

Location:  Belarus, Minsk
Date: April 12, 2022

Imprisoned journalist Katsyaryna Andreyeva has been charged with “high treason” after a so-called secret investigation. The details of her alleged crime have not been disclosed but the journalist could now face another 15 years in prison. The Coalition For Women In Journalism strongly condemns the sudden and ambiguous treason charges brought against Katsyaryna and calls for her immediate release. The journalist has been wrongfully imprisoned for nearly three years as the authorities continue to retaliate against the independent press. 

Katsyaryna, a correspondent for Poland-based independent broadcaster Belsat TV in Belarus, was detained in November 2020 along with her camera operator Darya Chultsova while live-streaming incidents of police brutality during a rally held in memory of murdered dissident Raman Bandarenka. They were among dozens of media workers detained for documenting widespread protests against  President Aleksandr Lukashenko and calls for his resignation in the latter half of the year. 

In February 2021, Katsyaryna and Darya were each sentenced to two years in prison on charges of “organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order” (Art. 342 of the Criminal Code). The police accused them of “coordinating protesters and calling for further actions”, and also claimed that their actions resulted in property damage.

In correspondence with the CFWIJ, Belsat TV confirmed that last week Katsyaryna was changed with “high treason” under Article 356 of the Criminal Code. If convicted she could face up to 15 years in jail. 

“The details of the charges [brought on April 7, 2022] are unknown. The trial starts in May and it will probably be held behind closed doors,” a spokesperson of Belsat TV Director Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy told the CFWIJ. 

“Based on amendments to the Criminal Code introduced in June, related to the crediting of days spent in custody, the court announced a real reduction of the sentence by 2.5 months,” said the spokesperson, referring to the two-year sentence handed to Katsyaryna in 2021. 

It does not go amiss that vague and unspecified charges have been brought against the journalist as the previous jail term awarded to her nears completion. The CFWIJ finds it indicative of the state’s determination to silence coverage of any opposition to it. 

According to Belsat TV, almost 500 employees of independent media houses were detained during widespread demonstrations against the controversial elections of August 2020. Many of them spent more than 1,200 days behind bars.

Most of the state-endorsed harassment targeted journalists in Belsat, reporting for independent TV stations. The Poland-based broadcaster has been targeted since 2007, said the spokesperson.

Sharing details of Katsyaryna’s trial in _____, the spokesperson quoted the journalist as saying “Every time I went out to work, I risked not only my freedom, but also my health and life. I managed to dodge the fire of rubber bullets, the explosions of stun grenades, the blows of batons. My colleagues were much less lucky. They were kicked in the stomach, had broken noses, were shot at from several meters away. So far, not a single criminal case has been initiated against the perpetrators of these acts of violence. (...) I did not commit any crime. I didn't encourage anyone to do it. I have everything: youth, favorite profession and, most importantly, a clear conscience. I want to devote myself to building a Belarus where there will be no political repression”. 

According Belsat TV, in December 2020, both Katsyaryna and Darya were honoured with the Belarusian Center for the Defense of Human Rights Viasna Award, along with investigative journalist of the portal Katsyaryna Barysevich, who had been arrested for publishing medical information contradicting the official version of Raman Bandarenko's death. In 2021, they received other awards: the Pride of Journalism from the Belarusian news agency BelaPAN, the Dariusz Fikus Special Award from Press Club Poland, the Courage in Journalism from the International Women's Media Foundation, the German Free Media Award, the Axel-Springer-Preis, and the Prix Europa award for Journalist of the Year

Apart from Andreyeva and Darya, two more Belsat TV journalists remain behind bars including Irina Slavnikava, former head of the channel’s office in Minsk, and Uladzimir Matskevich, renowned Belarusian philosopher and host of the channel’s interview show. 

The Coalition For Women In Journalism registers strong protest against the new charges against Katsyaryna Andreyeva and condemns the continued imprisonment of her and her coworkers. According to our data, Belarus saw the highest number of violations against women journalists in Europe in 2021 with at least 46 cases recorded. The country also ranked among the worst jailers of women journalists with more than 23 incarcerated. recorded the highest number of violations against women journalists in Europe

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is a global organization of support for women journalists. The CFWIJ pioneered mentorship for mid-career women journalists across several countries around the world and is the first organization to focus on the status of free press for women journalists. We thoroughly document cases of any form of abuse against women in any part of the globe. Our system of individuals and organizations brings together the experience and mentorship necessary to help female career journalists navigate the industry. Our goal is to help develop a strong mechanism where women journalists can work safely and thrive.

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