Coalition For Women in Journalism

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United States: Police Arrest Yesica Prado While Covering Homeless Encampment Sweep

September 17, 2024 - United States, California, Oakland

Women Press Freedom strongly denounces the arrest of local journalist Yesica Prado during her coverage of a homeless encampment clearance in Oakland, California. The incident has raised serious concerns regarding press freedom and the rights of journalists. 

Following hours of confinement in a police vehicle, Prado was eventually released with a citation. Despite facing charges of trespassing, Prado's steadfast commitment to reporting on critical issues was evident as she returned to the site the next day. 

This episode underscores the imperative to protect journalists' access to areas of public interest. Prado's dedication to authentically depicting marginalized communities in the media was recently acknowledged with an award for her visual journalism, emphasizing the significance of her efforts in illuminating complex social challenges. 

We urge law enforcement to collaborate with journalists to enable them to carry out their responsibilities in informing the public about important matters and to safeguard press freedom rather than infringe upon it.

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